- ©iStockphoto.com/Renphoto
My Toastmasters Blog: How Rude: Don’t Be a Content Thief — “The simulated click of the camera captured my attention. Sitting in a conference room, a middle aged man in front of me was snapping pictures of the lecture slides. My attention on the presentation was snapped and I was slack jawed. My thoughts were racing, ‘What is this person doing? Last time I checked, that is not allowed without permission.’â€
Write From Home: Sucking the Suck Out of Corporate Presentations (or, Conversations With Monkeys) — “I knew this guy was in a monkeybutt of a mood from the beginning. He was the one guy who didn’t look me in the eye when I walked in the room. He was the one guy who didn’t want to shake my hand. He sat there, hands folded across his Armani chest, and pouted through the first part of my presentation. Then it was like a bug crawled up his ass or something, because right in the middle of everyone’s good time he stood up and took a big monkey dump on the conference table.”
RBerteig on Flickr: The Missing VGA Cable
— “The solution to this dilema was a carefully bent collection of
paper clips, connecting the pigtail off Andy’s Mac (female HD15)
directly to the back of the projector (also femail HD15).” Gotta keep
this one in mind.
Great Public Speaking: A Breath of fresh air — “You would think all that wind you are blowing on stage would disperse bad breath, but for some reason after speaking for an hour or so, every foul smelling odor from your stomach wants to leap forth to your audience.”
Patricia Sellers: Power Point: Pay the price — “When Billie Jean King, who runs World TeamTennis with Kloss, is prepping for a speech or appearance, ‘She drives us crazy, absolutely crazy, planning for everything and anything to go wrong,’ Kloss said. ‘She’ll say, ‘What about this? What about that? What if this happens?’ By the time Billie gets on stage or on the court, she’s laid out every possible scenario in her mind. And at that point, she’s totally calm.’
Fleeting Glimpse Images: My First and Last Presentation — “I wax nostalgic today. Partly spurred by the article in Slide:ology this week and partly because I recently stumbled upon a cache of ancient binders containing bits of my larval creative efforts. Humbled, I am walking down memory lane to my first presentation and contrasting it with my most recent.”
SLIDE:OLOGY: Rockstars — “A similar thing happens in conference rooms across America when teams gather to prepare for The Big Presentation. All too often, the presenter will run through the slide show and describe the kinds of things he will say to accompany each slide, rather than rehearse the presentation itself. It’s a strange thing to watch.”
spoiledvids.com: Stage Hand Takes Fall During Live TV — No explanation at all on the site. No assurance that the stagehand was okay or that it was just a gag. You have to wonder, how do you prepare yourself to react/recover should something like this happen while your presenting.
Better Communications Results (Lee Hopkins): The ‘To help Lee get to America everything and the kitchen sink is for sale at half price’ post — “I’m selling everything I have at 50% off.” (Hurry, offer ends October 30th.)
Blue Room Technical Forums: Best way to connect to AV rig, Looking for campact flexible kit to play back video
Thanks for the link love! :-)
My pleasure Lee. Good luck with the sale, hope you reach your goal.
Thanks for the link love! :-)
My pleasure Lee. Good luck with the sale, hope you reach your goal.
Thanks for the link love! :-)
My pleasure Lee. Good luck with the sale, hope you reach your goal.