PowerPoint Ninja: 8 Tips for Effective Team PowerPoint Presentations — Great suggestions from someone who has obviously lived this situation. “When you’re working independently on your own PowerPoint slides, you have full control over the outcome of your presentation. Coordinating a PowerPoint presentation with other individuals introduces new challenges, which can frustrate even PowerPoint ninjas who are caught unprepared.”
Bridget M: Power Point for dummies, publishing for nit-wits — Things did not go well for this academic presenter. “The version of my presentation that was uploaded onto BB was not the final one…. It broke, I heard a bead bounce and hit the floor, then another.”
The Trap Room: Worst outcome from a missed cue — We need to remember that theater was, of course, the first form of presentation. This forum thread shows once again how many way there are for things to go wrong. Even for the professionals. For example: “My WORST fouled cue occured during a somber opening scene. The dramatic opening music automatically faded in the mini-disc cue, the actress began her quiet opening monologue and I pushed “pause” with the fader still up on the mixer. Yup, the deck had already auto-paused and the next recorded cue was a “toilet flush” now routed at full volume over the main speakers.”
Tod Maffin: The “3-3-3″ Pre-Event Client Calls — “I always make three phone calls to my speaking clients prior to the event.”
Speak Schmeak: I can’t hear you… — “At my networking event the other night, I noticed two problems that just about every speaker had with the microphone, and I want to pass this along as a quick reminder”
Execupundit.com: Crisis Prevention by Introspection — “Some not-so-obvious questions to avoid disaster”
washingtonpost.com: When Colleagues Talk Out of Turn — “What do you do about a constant interrupter? I’ve run into this situation in meetings, conference calls, etc. I can’t really say if the interrupter is being rude or just antsy. I find it to be extremely irritating, and it throws off my concentration, especially if I’m giving a presentation.”
The Intelligencer: District denies committee projector — “The Central Bucks East Stadium Committee had a PowerPoint presentation to show Central Bucks school board members this week, but wasn’t allowed to use the school district’s projector to show it.”
Web Worker Daily: Getting Charged Up to Work in an Airport — “It’s 5 o’clock on a Thursday afternoon and you managed to get through airport security on your way home, with half an hour to spare to check your e-mail and make phone calls. But your electronic device of choice is low on power. Do you know where to find an outlet to recharge and work before your flight leaves?”
The Extreme Presentation(tm) Method: Advanced Presentations by Design now available as an ebook.
Backstage at BackstageJobs.com: Preparing for festivals — “If your theatre company has been asked to participate in a festival with a particular production, it can be quite a thrill and learning experience. But there are things to keep in mind when bringing your production to a festival. Being prepared can be the difference between a good experience, or a painful one.” Same goes for taking your presentation on the road.
Strategic Guy: Presentation Prep and Packaging — Did personal style in dress and presentation method diminish this presenter’s effectiveness? Interesting situation. Interesting discussion in the comments.
Great list as usual, Lee! I'm heading off to read a bunch of them now!
Thanks Lisa, hope you find them useful. BTW, I'm always looking for presentation disaster stories, please feel free to send any others you might have in. It's been a while since I did a guest post.
Store liste as usual, Lee! Jeg position ud for at læse en masse af dem nu!