This list is in no particular order and is completely objective. I hope you enjoy this little retrospective jaunt as much as I have.
August 29th — Four Ways Presentation Mishaps Are Like Zombies…
2) If you allow yourself to slip into panic mode, the zombie/mishap will either eat you brains or infect you and turn you into a mindless, snarling, death-dealing horror. Stay calm.
September 13th — Presentation Disasters A to Z: A is for Anger
Given a choice between working with someone likely to curl up into a quivering fetal ball when things are going wrong and working with someone prone to venting their anger in the same situation, I think I would go with the fetal ball rather than the venter. A fetal ball can be guided to a quiet corner somewhere to whimper quietly while everyone else sorts things out.
March 11th — Clutch Hitting
Can you think of a better description of the kind of person you want to be working a meeting with you? You know the moments we’re talking about here. Lamps burn out, speakers freaking out, cable getting kick loose, file corrupt, etc.
June 28th — Promiscuous Sticks
Last weekend, veteran AV pro Rick Pillars, a frequent contributor to BML and owner of It’s a Rap Productions, started a Facebook post with these dreadful words: “So, a bad thing happened yesterday. I plugged my USB drive into the show computer.”
March 12th — Overheard on Twitter: How do you forget to put the parrot on the checklist?
@GraemeLfx just remembered I’ve forgotten the parrot for my presentation. Disaster ~wardsteve (Steven Ward)
[…] My five favorite BML posts from 2010 […]